Medicine in France
Some of the most knowledgeable supporters of the public health system is considered the country of France, where it has proven its effectiveness. Jonathan Cohn of the New Republic said: "Perhaps, France can be considered as a model of what can be achieved within a system of universal health insurance." And Ezra Klein of the American Prospect called French medicine "as close to the sample of all existing systems." According to most comparative studies of the French health care system gets the highest or one of the highest points in the ranking of WHO, it takes the 1st place. Although the French health care system in the near future will burden the state budget, it does provide a universal health insurance - at least to a certain extent, and allows you to avoid many of the problems faced by the socialized medicine in other countries. However, this is achieved largely through the "market" approach, including the division of the costs to the consumer. As for the other aspects of the system, they appear to reflect the French traditions and political specificity, and because of this it would be difficult to implement on American "soil."In France, the base level of compulsory health insurance is provided through a system of insurance funds, mainly linked to the workplace. Formally, these funds are private companies, but in fact they are strictly regulated and controlled. Levels of insurance contributions (funded primarily through payroll taxes), fees and compensation health care providers are determined by the government. In this sense, the French funds resemble utilities in this country.
The largest of these funds - it is called the "Universal national health insurance" - provide insurance to 83% of the population, ie most workers outside the agricultural sector and their families. Private insurance schemes cover agricultural workers, persons, self-employed and members of some "special" professions - miners, transport workers, artists, priests, and notaries public. Another fund specializes in insurance unemployed. These large insurance organizations on a regional basis are divided into smaller funds. In general, the national health insurance system covers about 99% of French citizens.
medicine should help anyone for free
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